As riding started back for the New Year, ‘Team Stratford’ thought we would share the following comment received from one of our young rider’s mum, which we hope makes you feel as proud as we do and reinforces why we all take part.
“I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a merry Christmas & a happy new year and thank you all sincerely from the bottom of my heart for welcoming us into your riding family & being so supportive of Issey & her riding.
It has not only benefited her physically but also added another dimension to her personality and helped her gain a little more confidence in herself and her abilities in what she is able to achieve, that is the biggest gift a child with any disability can receive and as her mum all I can ask for. She makes me so proud… so thank you all of you – teachers, volunteers & other parents, you have given us an amazing gift this Christmas. Kindest Regards Karyn Whitehouse”
(Issy commenced riding in September 2016 – here she is pictured receiving her Grade 1 Proficiency awards in Riding & Horse Care late December)
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