- Julie with Boris
- Jules tries a pose with Katie
- Sasha almost standing!
- Harrison delighted!
- Brave Charlotte
- Arthur’s first canter
What an amazing experience for our six riders who came to the vaulting taster session on the afternoon of 12th June. Julie Newell the Coach from the British Equestrian Vaulting GBR Team brought Katie one of the GBR vaulters to help and support the riders. Katie jumped up first on Boris, a rather large 17.2 trained vaulting horse and gave us a demonstration of her free style test so that we could see exactly what equestrian vaulting is. Then it was the turn of our riders. Sophia was up first with so much confidence. Julie immediately saw that she was prepared to try anything that was asked. She encouraged her to do various movements whilst still and then whilst Boris was walking in a 20m circle and at a trot. By her 2nd turn on Julie’s smaller horse, she was kneeling and taking up gymnastic poses and standing. Harrison was next up. He looked so small and so high up, but Katie jumped up with him as support. He was encouraged to stand up with Katie holding him and then he just kept asking for ‘more and more’. His delight and giggles had us all smiling. Jules was next and her face beamed as she tried the arm extensions but it was a long way down for her to dismount which was a bit worrying! Arthur’s turn and he stunned us all. He looked so confident at a trot and then at a canter – in fact all the riders had a turn at their first canter. Charlotte managed to stand up with Katie to help and was she very pleased with herself. Our final rider, Sasha, ended the afternoon by standing on his own whilst the horse was walking with his arms outstretched. Click to see Sasha’s video. What amazing achievements from all especially as they had never had this opportunity before. They all received an RDA Endeavour award for trying so hard. Thank you so much to Julie and Katie, the riders had a great time and our volunteers are asking when it’s their turn! Here’s to the next time!!
- Harrison says ‘more’
- Wow Sophia!
- Almost there!
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How fantastic! It’s lovely to see how the group is progressing. I do miss you all!
What a fantastic effort! Sophia and Harrison were amazing and Jules enjoyed herself so much once she was on Boris (who was very big from the ground). She relaxed and her smile just grew and grew!
Many thanks to Julie and Katie for giving their time to allow riders to experience something so amazing and different.