Of the five riders chosen to represent Great Britain, four started their equestrian careers with the support of RDA.
Multiple Gold medalist, Lee Pearson is an RDA Honory Life Vice-President and was supported by RDA early in his equestrian career. Sophie Christiansen started riding with RDA for therapy and today trains at South Buckinghamshire RDA. Debbie Criddle rides at the Conquest RDA Centre in Somerset and Natasha Baker started riding with RDA on the recommendation of her Physiotherapist.
“Congratulations to the whole team,” said RDA Chief Executive, Ed Bracher. “This selection will mean so much to RDA riders and volunteers everywhere, who can feel rightly proud of the part they play in helping people like Sophie and Lee get all the way to the top of their sport. RDA’s 500 Groups across the UK provide opportunities for 28,000 people with disabilities to enjoy and benefit from equestrian activities – and to find out just how much they can achieve.”
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