New ‘Pony Days’ a hit!

13 August 2023
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All the riders took part in a new event for us, completing either 1km or 2km endurance ride around the farm.  Huge respect to our energetic helpers, who achieved impressive km/h speeds!  Then there was the opportunity to learn all about caring for your pony…. even mucking out was a popular activity!  Riders also decorated […]

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A special afternoon

24 July 2023
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How special it was to welcome Andrew, Diana and Hazel to share ‘Tea with a Pony’ last week. They enjoyed watching and meeting some of our riders and stroking Marco whilst reminiscing about past times, especially Andrew who rode and Diana who volunteered with the Group for many years. We would like to thank them […]

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Many congratulations Charlotte

24 July 2023
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We’re so proud of everything Charlotte has achieved during her first year at the Fortune Centre.  Her hard work and progress was recognised at the recent end of term awards.  

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A great RDA National Champs for Isabella

23 July 2023
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Isabella competed at the RDA National Championships held at Hartpury College and her smiles say how pleased she was with her performance. Congratulations Isabella for gaining 3rd place in Grade 3 Dressage, 6th in Level 2 Show jumping and 2nd in Best Turned Out on Sunday. The weekend threw up many challenges as the weather […]

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Great job Archie’s Dad!

19 June 2023
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Archie’s Dad has made a special display board for Archie’s RDA rosettes! What a perfect way to display his collection! Great job Dad. 

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Thumbs up for Warwickshire County Fun Day!

16 June 2023
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The sun shone brightly, our volunteers were at the ready and after being polished, Alfie, Diesel and Jessie looked very smart and ready to take their riders.  The horses were kept busy with five of our riders attending the event, Kathryn, Heather and Harry and first-timers,Gill and Oliver. They all took part in the Town […]

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A big shout out to our Volunteers

3 June 2023
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It’s Volunteer Week and we’re celebrating the invaluable commitment, kindness & generosity of everyone who supports our riders, in whatever capacity.  THANKYOU  Your support enabled us to deliver 99 activities during May.  A tremendous achievement, giving experiences that’s truly appreciated by our riders, their families, carers & PA’s; “thank you for today, both loved it. […]

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If you go down to the woods..

3 June 2023
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We’ve enjoyed the sunshine & riding in the countryside this week.  Huge thanks to Terry for trimming paths through the woods.  The cow parsley was a tempting snack for the ponies! 

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Congratulations Isabella

21 May 2023
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Isabella and Cookie had a lovely day at the recent West Mercia Regional Qualifiers. She rode a confident test in the Grade 3 dressage class gaining a first and then came first in the Level 2 unled showjumping class. She has qualified for the RDA National Championships in both classes. Her delight showed as she […]

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Thank you Angela

8 May 2023
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Huge thanks to Angela for organising the Thursday sessions, whilst Val was away.   You did a great job, efficiently & effectively, as well as entertaining us with your sketches & captions!  Time to hand back the baton! 

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