Your vote certainly helped – Thank you

4 November 2017
Thumbnail image for Your vote certainly helped – Thank you

The Wesleyan Foundation has awarded us an amazing grant of £6,000 to help towards the purchase of a new classroom for our riders.  The new classroom will provide an opportunity of having a safe waiting and exercise area for warming-up prior to riding and a facility to provide stable management sessions. It was lovely to welcome […]

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Congratulations Archie

25 October 2017
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Archie was presented with an Endeavour Award this week for excellent mounting and dismounting.  Well done Archie you are trying so hard at riding.  Lovely to see you enjoying the experience.

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Riders join in with the BIG RIDE RDA UK

19 October 2017
Thumbnail image for Riders join in with the BIG RIDE RDA UK

Riders, Sophie, Jo and Max and their teams of helpers joined Sam Orde, RDA UK Chair, on her last BIG RIDE on Tuesday 17th October.  What a special treat! Special thanks to Sam who has raised nearly £40,000 towards the development of the new RDA Lowlands Training Centre.  Here is Sam’s lovely narrative of the day: […]

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Thank you Luddington Village

27 September 2017
Thumbnail image for Thank you Luddington Village

What a fabulous surprise to receive a donation of £500 presented by Jo White from the Luddington Village Fund yesterday to help our Group.  We were so thrilled to be one of your chosen charities this year and would like to thank Jo and other members of the committee who helped to organise the Luddington Village Fete […]

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First Endurance awards for riders

22 September 2017
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Another first for our Group, as several of our riders gain “Getting Started” Endurance awards. Riders and helpers enjoyed taking time checks at 0.5 km, 1 km, 1.5 km and 2 km markers around the tracks, adding focus and interest to our usual hacks. Well done Scarlett, Jess, and Archie for achieving 1km, and Anna, […]

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Toby gains Young Equestrian Leaders Award

17 September 2017
Thumbnail image for Toby gains Young Equestrian Leaders Award

Congratulations to young volunteer, Toby Cripps, who has just been awarded the Bronze level Young Equestrian Leader Award (YELA). Toby has helped to fundraise for the Group, spent 3 days at the RDA National Championships assisting in the stables and with the vet, as well as helping at our County Fun Day and at our sessions.  […]

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Stratford RDA Staycation

11 September 2017
Thumbnail image for Stratford RDA Staycation

Hacking round the furthest reaches of the farm, grooming and tacking up their ponies, practising riding skills in the arena and eating cake were just some of the activities enjoyed by Jo P, Jules and Anna this weekend at Home Farm. Jules was excited to be reunited with Alfie; Jo made excellent progress on Marco […]

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Chernobyl’s Children enjoy another lovely morning with the Group

20 August 2017
Thumbnail image for Chernobyl’s Children enjoy another lovely morning with the Group

The Group welcomed back the Chernobyl’s Children charity on Wednesday 16th August for a fourth year. 12 teenagers aged between 13 and 15, all having problems from various cancers due to the nuclear fallout 30+ years ago, arrived at Lowlands stables at 11 with their own doctor and translators, where horses and our team of […]

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Calling all horse riders!

16 August 2017
Thumbnail image for Calling all horse riders!

The Banbury Lions are holding their 39th Annual Charity Horse Ride and they have kindly nominated our Group again to receive some of the profits.  So if you own a horse, click here to download more information and entry form, RIDE WITH THE LIONS at Broughton Castle on Sunday 3rd September 2017.  Its a fabulous […]

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Riders have a great morning riding ‘Charley’

13 August 2017
Thumbnail image for Riders have a great morning riding ‘Charley’

With our summer lunch party scuppered by the weather, several of our adult riders diverted to Lowlands Farm, to ride Charley, the mechanical horse… the warm and dry!  Jo W chose to practice various dressage movements. With constant feedback on your posture and aids, showing on the screen, it’s an intensive workout!  Jo P decided […]

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