Great picture Anna

26 May 2018
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Anna celebrates her 3rd prize in the West Mercia Regional Arts and Crafts competition, for her portrait of Kiera.    

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What a day!

22 May 2018
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Wow, in blistering heat, Charlotte, Jules, Isabella, Lewis, Sasha and Sophie smashed it!  All six qualified for the RDA National Championships in July in either Dressage, Countryside Challenge or Showjumping.  Amazing results! Well done all of you. With thanks to West Mercia RDA Regional Qualifier organisers for hosting a brilliant day at Stourport Riding Centre and […]

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Thank you Admington Fun Riders

16 May 2018
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We would like to thank all the organisers and riders of the Admington Fun Ride for helping to raise an enormous amount for local causes.  The weather was perfect on the day for the lovely ride across the fields.  Thank you also to the farmers who allowed them access.  A big thank you goes to […]

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Thank you ‘Cake and Company’

15 May 2018
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It was lovely to welcome Gillian and Jane from Stratford Methodist Church today who brought us a lovely donation from their ‘Cake and Company’ group.  We hope you enjoyed meeting some of our riders and volunteers.  Thank you to all the Group members for your interest and support it is so gratefully received.

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Well Done Anna!

15 May 2018
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Anna showed our Coach her brilliant riding skills and horse knowledge and was awarded her Grade 2 Riding and Grade 2 Horse Care certificates.  Very well done Anna – well deserved as you try so hard!

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Well done riders!

11 May 2018
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Congratulations to Ellis Louis Issey and Harry, who have been working hard on their riding skills. They all recently gained their grade 2 riding certificates. Well done everyone. Here they are receiving their certificates, after a fun session, in the sunshine this afternoon.

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How proud are we?

9 April 2018
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Congratulations to Max Stainton, who started riding with us when he was 5, who has just achieved an awesome challenge.  Here’s his latest blog – “With snowflakes in our eyelashes, we made it to Everest Base Camp!!! The team are now recovering in Gorak Shep as it was an extremely tough trek. A world first […]

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Thank you Isabella

2 April 2018
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Isabella baked loads of cakes and biscuits and held an Easter cake stall at Talland, where she stables Cookie her pony.  She made a whopping £105.80 which she has donated to our Group.  Thank you so much Isabella you must have been baking for days.  They looked scrummy!

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Proficiency Awards for our Riders

23 March 2018
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Congratulations to Harry and Fi, who both successfully completed their Grade 1 Riding and Horse Care Proficiency award today. As well as demonstrating their riding skills, off the lead rein, they also identified parts of the tack and pony, whilst having lots of fun too!  Very well done!        

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Well done Harry!

18 March 2018
Thumbnail image for Well done Harry!

Harry and our new horse, Diesel, are getting to know each other and developing a partnership together. Harry’s confident and positive approach was recognised recently, when he received an Endeavour Award. Keep up the good work Harry!

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