Stratford RDA enjoys Warwickshire County Funday 2019 at new RDA National Training Centre

2 July 2019
Thumbnail image for Stratford RDA enjoys Warwickshire County Funday 2019 at new RDA National Training Centre

As the skies emptied over Warwickshire, we quite expected Nigel to arrive in an ark to collect our ponies! At the venue Alfie, Diesel, Kiera and Marco were met by our team of very damp helpers (just getting from the car park to the indoor arena required a change of clothes!) and were soon tacked […]

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Thank you to our amazing team of volunteers!

4 June 2019
Thumbnail image for Thank you to our amazing team of volunteers!

This is National Volunteers Week and we would like to thank all of our wonderful volunteers who give so freely of their time to help our riders achieve and have fun.  Without you grooming, tacking up, exercising ponies, side walking, leading, coaching, setting up the equipment, poo picking, toilet cleaning and generally helping with what […]

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RDA Precious Moments

28 May 2019
Thumbnail image for RDA Precious Moments

When you think that the amazing people at Stratford RDA can’t possibly give or do anymore, they do!  On Thursday the 23rd of May they made dreams come true! Our gorgeous son Leo rides with the group on Thursdays, but his ride this Thursday has etched a memory in our minds and hearts that will […]

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Lots of awards and recognition for our talented riders

25 May 2019
Thumbnail image for Lots of awards and recognition for our talented riders

Anna received a letter of commendation and rosette for her creative writing entry. Her poem received some lovely comments from the judge Alistair Stewart OBE. Along with Kathryn, Anna also came 3rd in the pairs dressage video competition. Another rosette! Kathryn’s rosette haul included a first in Countryside Challenge, qualifying for the championships, on her […]

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Great day at the RDA Regional Qualifiers

24 May 2019
Thumbnail image for Great day at the RDA Regional Qualifiers

With our riders entered in all disciplines at the regional qualifiers – showjumping,  dressage and countryside challenge –  it was an early start from the stables for Diesel – his first outing with us, Kiera, Jessie and Marco. Arriving at Stourport Riding Centre, there were some tense moments as Diesel’s passport was checked then all the […]

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Riders gain Endeavour awards

15 May 2019
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Congratulations to Jess and Archie who received an Endeavour award, rosette and badge after they had changed to riding a new pony.  Jess did not bat an eyelid and enjoyed riding Keira and Archie really looked good riding Marco, even managing to ride off the lead rein.  We can see good partnerships in the making!

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Fun in the field!

10 May 2019
Thumbnail image for Fun in the field!

We’ve had great fun this week, practising the countryside challenge and dressage. We’re indebted to Des for letting us use his paddock to set up our equipment, to use throughout the week. Although the lush grass was a temptation, our ponies thoroughly enjoyed the new environment and gave our riders positive, happy experiences.   Huge thanks […]

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Easter treasure hunt – fun!

16 April 2019
Thumbnail image for Easter treasure hunt – fun!

Early morning we braved the bracing wind and enjoyed a treasure hunt through the woods, collecting flowers, sheep’s wool and looking out for other signs of spring, before collecting Easter eggs at the end of the trail, yum! Special thanks to our young volunteer Josh for setting up the activity.

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Pancakes at the ready!

4 March 2019
Thumbnail image for Pancakes at the ready!

Lots of fun in this mornings session, collecting ingredients and balancing pancakes as we rode round the arena. Not to mention a highly competitive volunteer pancake race! Here’s Jess carefully carrying her pancake.  

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Long service award for Alison

25 January 2019
Thumbnail image for Long service award for Alison

Many congratulations to Alison Hamilton who was presented a Silver Jubilee award certificate and badge for 25 years of volunteering service to RDA.  Thank you so much Alison from all of us at ‘Team Stratford’ for all your dedication and enthusiasm.

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