Congratulations Lynne

6 November 2020
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Congratulations to our Regional Coach, Lynne Munro, who was today awarded by HRH The Princess Royal, the RDA President Award for exceptional services to RDA. Lynne is also North Wales Regional Physiotherapist and has given a wealth of advice to help our coaches and physiotherapy related advice and support This could be advising on the […]

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Last session before lockdown!

4 November 2020
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Making the most of our last session before the new lockdown.  Kathryn visited Diesel, who was particularly affectionate and enjoyed his cuddles!  Steve & Maria were trained in mounting and dismounting, in preparation for assisting Anna, and having Charlotte back in the saddle gave us all a real lift!   Fingers crossed it won’t be […]

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Good luck Karen

2 November 2020
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Wishing good luck to our Coach, Karen, who has just found out with a lovely letter and rosette, that she has been nominated to receive the RDA Brilliant Person Award 2020. It is being given to someone who has gone above and beyond to support their group, achieved something special and/or come up with a […]

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Can Diesel become a star?

2 November 2020
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Keep your fingers crossed for our very own Diesel who has been entered into the SEIB Search for a Star RDA Horse/Pony class in Your Horse Live virtual show due to take place between 6-8 November. Here is the link to the entries.  He is on the top line on the right. I know […]

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Are you shopping online?

30 October 2020
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Please support us this Christmas by generating donations when you shop online for gifts and more via @GiveasyouLive Online. It’s free There’s a handy app There are over 4,000 stores!>…/stratford…/1074153/0? Just 5 mins to set up and it can help us keep our ponies. Thank you.

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Another big step forward for the Group

30 October 2020
Thumbnail image for Another big step forward for the Group

Following recent changes in RDA UK guidelines we are able to welcome some of our riders back into the saddle, supported by their household members. A great start and we look forward to gradually extending our riding over the coming weeks. 

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Lots of fun while learning for our riders

27 October 2020
Thumbnail image for Lots of fun while learning for our riders

As autumn approaches our activities have moved indoors, where our participants  continue to learn new skills & all aspects of horse care;  all the time developing a deeper partnership with their ponies, and having fun too!

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Great achievement Archie!

27 October 2020
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Well done Archie, on learning how to look after Marco & achieving Grade 1 Horse Care.  Keep up the good work!

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Go Anna!

20 October 2020
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After completing her very successful wheelchair push, Anna visited the stables yesterday to present us with a cheque for an amazing £1460. Anna trained for many weeks to have the strength to complete the one mile course and said that not only did she raise money for us to help keep our horses healthy, but […]

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Thank you Admington Fun Ride

11 October 2020
Thumbnail image for Thank you Admington Fun Ride

A huge ‘shout out’ to the our Coach, Verena, Sue Cook, and the rest of the team who organised and manned the Admington Fun Ride whose support has just given us an amazing £1400 donation. What a tremendous bonus for us at the moment in this current climate. Thank you also to all the riders […]

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