Donations & Fundraising

Donations & Fundraising

We are an entirely self funded organisation that relies on donations and fundraising activities to provide the important services we offer. Your donations, no matter how small might make the difference.

For example, you could sponsor a rider for as little as £200. As a sponsor you will receive our Stratford RDA newsletters and receive regular updates on the progress of your rider. Contact our Sponsorship Secretary at [email protected] to find out how.

Alternatively you might want to make a donation towards the upkeep of one of the ponies. Our current livery costs are £400 per month per pony so every penny gratefully received will be used towards supporting these costs as well as providing the other services so valued by our riders.

You can either donate a lump sum directly into our bank account or use Give As You Live or PayPal to donate.  Alternatively, you may wish to pay an amount each month,  quarterly, or annually by standing order to spread the donation.  Whatever you decide we will be most grateful.

If you would like to pay by Charities Aid Foundation cheque, please make cheque payable to: ‘Stratford upon Avon RDA’

Note : GiftAid may be applicable to your donations. We ask that you notify us if a UK taxpayer and you are willing to  give us the Gift Aid contribution as well as this could increase your donation meaning that if you give £10 using Gift Aid, it’s worth £12.50 to our charity.  Remember to enter your donation on your Tax Return.  Many thanks

Via electronic bank transfer:
Account Number : 22117568
Sort Code : 40 – 43 – 19
Account Managed by : HSBC Bank, 13 Chapel Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 6ET
Telephone : 08457 404 404
Fax: 01789 303 222

Please feel free to call the Group with any donations, suggestions or queries.

Via Give As You Live

Give As You Live is an online fundraising service. You can either donate, or if you are taking part in an event you may consider entering on our behalf. You can donate, or set up a fundraising page, by clicking on the link.

Donate now

Via paypal:

Via Standing order:
Please download the standing form and send directly to your bank.  Standing Order form Internet users and shoppers:
Register as your search page or sign up to shop with over 200 stores including John Lewis, Amazon and Marks & Spencer through making our Stratford upon Avon RDA as your nominated charity and you can help us without even leaving your chair! Donations of equipment, services or items for sale/raffle
For example:

  • Farm produce
  • Home decorations
  • Entertainment Tickets
  • Gift/Events Vouchers
  • Equestrian equipment new or second-hand
  • Stationery/Printing

Hold your own fundraising event
For example:

  • Sponsored ride/run/swim/walk/skydive
  • Coffee morning
  • Cake/book stall
  • Fashion/Drama show

People do all sorts of things to raise money for RDA and it’s always appreciated. Whatever you’re planning, why not get in touch and find out how we can support you.

For more information or to receive a fundraising pack, contact Donna Jenkins on 07470 458674 or email Enquiries – Stratford upon Avon RDA

If you want to join one of our fundraisers, check out our up-coming events.