Riders enjoy a great holiday at Clwyd Special Riding Centre

13 August 2015
Thumbnail image for Riders enjoy a great holiday at Clwyd Special Riding Centre

Lots of tired and happy faces returned from a fabulous holiday at the Clwyd Special Riding Centre in Llanfyndd, Wales. What a lovely time we had! We arrived on Thursday 6th August and immediately started unpacking clothes ready to change for the rider’s assessment on their mounts. Chris was given Carlin, Neil was reunited with […]

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Thank you Hilary

11 June 2015
Thumbnail image for Thank you Hilary

At our recent AGM, rider Max presented Hilary with something to remember her many valued years with our Group.  Hilary’s daughter, Heather, commenced riding with us in August 1993 and continued until she went to college in 2006.  During her time with us Hilary became more involved with the Group and became a volunteer side-walker in […]

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Thank you Isobel

31 May 2015
Thumbnail image for Thank you Isobel

Our congratulations and thanks go to Isobel Ollis who has just received her badge and certificate to commemorate her 25 year voluntary service to RDA.  The presentation was made by our Regional Chair, Celia Baker at the West Mercia Regional Qualifiers on May 20th. Isobel has predominantly helped with the children’s sessions on Tuesday afternoons […]

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Alice gains an award!

17 May 2015
Thumbnail image for Alice gains an award!

Congratulations to Alice who gained her Young Equestrian Leader Bronze award and was presented with her badge and certificate by Donna, Group Organiser.  To receive the award, she was required to undertake 20 hours of volunteering and answer questions on the experience.  Thank you Alice for taking time away from your studies at college and bringing your […]

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Three cheers for our Trustees!

12 November 2014

Trustees are the people in charge of a charity. They play a vital role, volunteering their time and working together to make important decisions about the charity’s work. Trustees’ Week is an annual event to showcase the great work that trustees do and highlight opportunities for people from all walks of life to get involved […]

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Volunteers join the RDA Big Picnic at the polo

13 August 2014
Thumbnail image for Volunteers join the RDA Big Picnic at the polo

Its not just the riders that have the fun – a group of our volunteers spend a lovely day in June at the RDA Big Picnic and watched the teams competing for the semi-finals of the Cartier Queens Cup at the Guards Polo Club in Windsor.  Some of us were also presented to our President, […]

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We are celebrating National Volunteers’ week

4 June 2014
Thumbnail image for We are celebrating National Volunteers’ week

Please join us in thanking all of our fabulous Volunteers for their dedication and support to our Group. WITHOUT YOU WE WOULD NOT EXIST!! You are part of a team of 18,000 RDA volunteers who give 31/2 million hours of time helping 30,000 people with disabilities discover just how much they can achieve. On behalf […]

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Volunteers attend the Supra Regional Conference

19 November 2013
Thumbnail image for Volunteers attend the Supra Regional Conference

A selection of our volunteers attended the Supra Regional Conference on 29th October at Rodbaston College, Nr Stafford.  What a packed day!  It started with an awards ceremony for volunteers who have given 20 years to RDA and was followed by various demonstrations on competent leading, visually impaired show jumping; ‘Risk assessment and your sessions’;’How […]

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Well done to all our 2013 Awards winners!

30 July 2013
Thumbnail image for Well done to all our 2013 Awards winners!

This year’s Annual Awards were presented in two main ceremonies, one for the Monday and one for the Tuesday classes.  It was lovely to welcome the past owners of Badger, Tom and Liz Hale, and Jo Kibble, Keira’s owner and some of our friends and supporters on the Tuesday and we hope they enjoyed seeing […]

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Tuesday Riding

1 September 2012

Normal Tuesday riding sessions will commence again on 11th September.

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