Volunteers attend the Supra Regional Conference

19 November 2013
Thumbnail image for Volunteers attend the Supra Regional Conference

A selection of our volunteers attended the Supra Regional Conference on 29th October at Rodbaston College, Nr Stafford.  What a packed day!  It started with an awards ceremony for volunteers who have given 20 years to RDA and was followed by various demonstrations on competent leading, visually impaired show jumping; ‘Risk assessment and your sessions’;’How […]

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Crabtree & Evelyn Fundraiser

11 November 2013

A lovely relaxed evening was had by all at our fundraising event at the Crabtree & Evelyn store in Stratford last week.  Crabtree & Evelyn kindly provided nibbles, drinks and a raffle prize of products worth £100.  Our hands were massaged ready to take home a lovely goodie bag and £430.41 was raised for the […]

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Another fabulous holiday at Clwyd SRC

12 September 2013
Thumbnail image for Another fabulous holiday at Clwyd SRC

For a third year, 5 of our adult riders, Neil, Chris, Max, Jo and Jo along with 15 parents and helpers relocated to the Clwyd Special Riding Centre near Wrexham for a 5 day break.  On arrival we were welcomed by Lady Gladstone, its benefactor, who kindly gave us a cake.  Immediately, with jodphurs, hats […]

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Kineton Fun Ride great success!

21 August 2013

The Kineton Fun Ride on 18th August, which was kindly organised by Bronwen Hurley in aid of the Stratford District Council Chair, Chris Mills Fundraising year, was a great success.  This was the first event organised for Chris’s nominated charities, our RDA group, the Stroke Association and the Alzheimer’s Society. 145 riders set out across […]

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Supra Regional Conference

14 August 2013

This year’s Supra Regional Conference is due to take place on Tuesday 29th October at South Staffordshire College.  There will be talks on the step by step for visually impaired show jumping, endurance riding – how to get started, give our 4 legged friends a chance, how to make a walk only lesson more interesting […]

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Practical Horsemanship demo a huge success!

2 August 2013
Thumbnail image for Practical Horsemanship demo a huge success!

Grant Bazin from Practical Horsemanship and his colleague Dan Wilson gave another fabulous demonstration last Saturday 27th July.  Both Grant and Dan have, in the past, worked with Monty Roberts, the American horse trainer, known as the ‘Horse Whisperer’ for many years.  An enthralled audience watched as they showed how using non-violence you could train horses […]

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Well done to all our 2013 Awards winners!

30 July 2013
Thumbnail image for Well done to all our 2013 Awards winners!

This year’s Annual Awards were presented in two main ceremonies, one for the Monday and one for the Tuesday classes.  It was lovely to welcome the past owners of Badger, Tom and Liz Hale, and Jo Kibble, Keira’s owner and some of our friends and supporters on the Tuesday and we hope they enjoyed seeing […]

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‘Great experience at RDA National Championships for ‘Team Stratford’

17 July 2013

Wow!  After a break of a few years, Stratford’s return to RDA National Championships at Hartpury College was an amazing experience.  After weeks of practising, the day approached.  Badger and Marco were washed and coiffed.  Neil combed mane and tails, and tack was cleaned (another string to Jon’s bow!).  Gail, Ann, Puffin, Rosanne and I […]

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Keep Calm and Carry on Riding

19 June 2013

Banbury Lions have organised a Charity Fun Ride at Broughton Castle near Banbury (OX15 5EB) on Sunday 25th August in aid of our Group and Redwings Horse Sanctuary.  It includes Swalcliffe Park cross country jumps.  First riders at 10.30am or afterwards in your own time.  Last rider away by 12.30pm.  The ride covers 10 miles […]

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Come and enjoy a Fun Ride in Kineton

11 June 2013

The Kineton Fun Ride will take place on Sunday 18th August 2013 from 10.30am-2 pm at Kineton Grange Farm, Kineton, Warwick CV35 0EE.  It is being held on behalf of our Group as part of the fundraising year of Councillor Chris Mills the new Chair of Stratford District Council.  Further details and booking form from Bronwen Hurley […]

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